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Groupe de Widad Anoua Clothing

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Search Results For Autocad 2015 (33)

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Search results for autocad 2015 (33)

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i have autocad 2015 student version and my line settings are @ by default that means when i enter co-ordinates for the next point i takes previous point as the base point instead of the (0,0) can you help me out. please

E.B., J.L.A. and A.P.-G. designed and directed the research and field excavations. R.G.-G., L.R., R.Q. and J.L.A. analysed the hominin fossils. M.-C.O. and L.H.-V. led the mechanical restoration and conservation of the fossils. N.G., D.J.A.-L. and M.A.G.-P. analysed the large mammal remains. P.S., H.-A.B., A.C.D.-G., A.A.-V. and C.L. analysed the small vertebrate remains. R.H. and A.M. conducted the taphonomic analysis. B.M. and A.A.-F. analysed the lithic samples. A.A. analysed the raw materials. L.V. analysed the spatial distribution of the archaeological remains. S.G.-S. analysed the thermoaltered remains and other evidence of fire. A.P.-G., D.M.M.-P. and A.I.O. analysed the geological context and the stratigraphy of the site. B.R.-Z. and M.J.G.-G analysed the pollen record. T.H. interpreted the radiocarbon dating results. G.R.-L., J.G.-H., J.I.A.-M., A.I.C. and T.S. conducted other analytical studies. E.B. and C.L. wrote the paper with contributions from all authors. 041b061a72

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